Listing generated on 05/18/2024 at 10:02:27.

Keydate: 2005-01-01
Policy Name: Naming Guidelines
Policy Code: CHA.AM.000.001
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: Chancellor
Responsible Office: University Development
Effective Date: 11/04/2019
Last Changed by: Barnes, Kimberly on 05/31/2019
Policy Narrative: PDF File

Policy Summary/Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines established by the
University of Mississippi Naming Committee to ensure that gifts with
associated naming rights are managed in a consistent manner. These
guidelines are designed to provide donors with equitable, consistent, and
appropriate recognition and stewardship for their generous support,
leading to lasting relationships with the university. In recognition and
appreciation of their generosity, donors who make certain types of
charitable contributions to the university are offered the opportunity to
select the names of programs, facilities, positions, or entities being
funded by their gifts.