Council of Academic Administrators Minutes

Meeting Date: 02/21/2011
Meeting Time: 1:30 PM
Meeting Location: Lyceum 200


Name Present Absent
Albritton, Dr. Robert B.
Angle, Mr. Timothy R.
Buntin, Dr. Bonnie P.
Canty, Dr. Ann L.
Cheng, Dr. Alexander H.
Chitwood, Dr. Linda F.
Clark, Dr. Alice M.
Cyree, Dr. Kendall B.
Eftink, Dr. Maurice R.
Fant, Dr. Charlotte N.
Gates, Dr. Kathryn F.
Gershon, Mr. Ira R.
Gispen, Dr. Cornelis
Harrington, Ms. Mary M.
Hopkins, Dr. Glenn W.
Jackson, Mr. Jermaine
Metcalf, Dr. Michael F.
Moss, Mr. Phelton
Nordstrom, Dr. Timothy W.
Norton, Dr. H W.
Pate, Dr. James P.
Rholes, Ms. Julia M.
Rock, Dr. David
Schiferl, Ms. Karen E.
Stocks, Dr. Morris H.
Sullivan-Gonzalez, Dr. Douglass
Wells, Dr. Barbara L.
Wilder, Dr. Wallace M.
Wilkin, Dr. Noel E.

Other Attendance Information

Dr. Murchison (for Dr. Angle), Dr. Carrithers (for Dr. Chitwood), Ms. Denise Knighton (for Dr. Fant), Dr. Wilkin Chaired for Provost Stocks

Additional Minutes Notes



Minutes of Undergraduate Council meeting on 02/04/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 4: Course Changes, Additions, and Deletions - Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Albritton) Motion 5: Change B.A. in Theatre Ars - Approved (Hopkins/Sullivan-Gonzalez) Motion 6: Change Engineering Programs B.S.Ch.E. in Chemical Engineering, B.S.C.S. in Computer Sciences, B.S.E.E. in Electrical Engineering, and B.S.G.E. in Geological Engineering - Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Cheng) Motion 7: Add B.S. in Integrated Marketing Communication AND Change B.A.J. in Journalism - Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Wells) NO ACTION on Tabled Academic Requirements Motion 8: Changes in Minor in International Studies - Approved (Hopkins/Sullivan-Gonzalez) Motion 9: Student Petition Christi Treloar - Approved (Carrithers/Norton)

Minutes of Undergraduate Council meeting on 01/14/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 1: Course Changes, Additions, and Deletions - Approved (Hopkins/Wells) Motion 2: English Language Proficiency - Approved (Wells/Albritton) Motion 3: BGS Catalog Copy - Approved (Hopkins/Eftink)


Minutes of Graduate Council meeting on 02/04/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 10: Course Changes, Additions, and Deletions (except SOC 640, which was tabled by Graduate Council) - Approved (Wells/Eftink) NO ACTION on Tabled School of Journalism and New Media Courses, which were tabled by Graduate Council Motion 11: Grading Scale Change Catalog Copy - Approved (Eftink/Cheng) Motion 12: Corrections to Graduate Catalog Entry for Chemistry/Biochemistry - Approved (Hopkins/Wells)
Chancellor's Notes