Council of Academic Administrators Minutes

Meeting Date: 04/18/2011
Meeting Time: 1:30 PM
Meeting Location: Lyceum 200


Name Present Absent
Albritton, Dr. Robert B.
Angle, Mr. Timothy R.
Buntin, Dr. Bonnie P.
Canty, Dr. Ann L.
Cheng, Dr. Alexander H.
Chitwood, Dr. Linda F.
Clark, Dr. Alice M.
Cyree, Dr. Kendall B.
Eftink, Dr. Maurice R.
Fant, Dr. Charlotte N.
Gates, Dr. Kathryn F.
Gershon, Mr. Ira R.
Gispen, Dr. Cornelis
Harrington, Ms. Mary M.
Hopkins, Dr. Glenn W.
Jackson, Mr. Jermaine
Metcalf, Dr. Michael F.
Moss, Mr. Phelton
Nordstrom, Dr. Timothy W.
Norton, Dr. H W.
Pate, Dr. James P.
Rholes, Ms. Julia M.
Rock, Dr. David
Schiferl, Ms. Karen E.
Stocks, Dr. Morris H.
Sullivan-Gonzalez, Dr. Douglass
Wells, Dr. Barbara L.
Wilder, Dr. Wallace M.
Wilkin, Dr. Noel E.

Other Attendance Information

Dr. Lynn Murchison (for Dr. Angle), Dr. Tom Lombardo (for Dr. Clark), Mr. Al Ling (for Dr. Gates), Dr. Wells-Dolan (for Dr. Rock), and Dr. Charlie Hufford (for Dr. Wells). Greet Provoost attended to present and answer questions about the Proposal for International Undergraduate Admission Requirements.

Additional Minutes Notes
Motion to Approve Proposal for International Undergraduate Admission Requirements (Eftink/Gershon)- Approved (Reviewed by University Attorney and discussed among schools) Motion to Approve Academic Calendar (Wells-Dolan/DSG)- Approved



Minutes of Undergraduate Council meeting on 04/01/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 8: Course Changes, Additions, Deletions (Hopkins/Pate)- Approved Motion 9: Establish Prerequisite for EDSE 400 (Wells-Dolan/Eftink)- Approved Motion 10: Academic Calendar (Wells-Dolan/DSG)- Approved Motion 11: University of Mississippi Attendance Policy Proposal from the Faculty Senate (Wilder/Eftink)- FAILED CAA recommended Task Force to look at the issues and develop policy


Minutes of Graduate Council meeting on 03/25/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 1: Course Changes, Additions, Deletions (Hopkins/Cyree)- Approved Motion 2: Change Requirements for Admission to M.Ed. Programs in Curriculum and Instruction (Eftink/Hopkins)- Approved Motion 3: Change in grading policy for School of Law (Gershon/Eftink) -Approved Motion 4: Prerequisite changes in Journalism courses (Eftink/Gershon)- Approved Motion 5: Portfolio as alternative to GRE Scores for Master of Criminal Justice Applicants (Eftink/Rholes)- Approved Motion 6: Graduate Certificate in TESL (Hopkins/Rholes)- Approved Motion 7: Graduate Certificate in GIS&T (Eftink/Gershon)- Approved

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IDRequest SummaryApproved DeniedTabled
638007731 Academic Calendar
638007877 Proposal for International Undergraduate Admission Requirements
Chancellor's Notes