Council of Academic Administrators Minutes

Meeting Date: 10/17/2011
Meeting Time: 1:30 PM
Meeting Location: Lyceum 200


Name Present Absent
Adams, Mr. Brent
Albritton, Dr. Robert B.
Angle, Mr. Timothy R.
Boyd, Dr. Carol M.
Canty, Dr. Ann L.
Cheng, Dr. Alexander H.
Clark, Dr. Alice M.
Cyree, Dr. Kendall B.
Fant, Dr. Charlotte N.
Gates, Dr. Kathryn F.
Gershon, Mr. Ira R.
Harrington, Ms. Mary M.
Hopkins, Dr. Glenn W.
Love, Dr. Fannye E.
Metcalf, Dr. Michael F.
Norton, Dr. H W.
Pate, Dr. James P.
Phillips, Ms. Kristina
Repka, Dr. Michael A.
Rholes, Ms. Julia M.
Rock, Dr. David
Schiferl, Ms. Karen E.
Stocks, Dr. Morris H.
Sullivan-Gonzalez, Dr. Douglass
Wei, Ms. Yi
Wells, Dr. Barbara L.
Wilder, Dr. Wallace M.
Wilkin, Dr. Noel E.
Wyandt, Dr. Christy M.

Other Attendance Information

Dr. Carithers (for Dr. Carol Boyd), Dr. Buchannon (for Dr. Alice Clark), Dr. Hufford (for Dr. Barbara Wells)

Additional Minutes Notes
Motion 1: Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies - Postponed (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Cyree) This will allow time for Graduate Council to review proposed revisions and make a recommendation to the Council. Motion 2: UM2020 Mission Statement - Approved (Hopkins/Rholes) The 10.14.11 version developed by the Strategic Planning Council based on input from Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Staff Council, and Faculty Senate.



Minutes of Undergraduate Council meeting on 10/07/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 4: Course Changes, Additions, and Deletions - Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Wilder) Motion 5: B.S.W. in Social Work Program Change - Approved (Carithers/Sullivan-Gonzalez) Motion 6: Change in Minor in Journalism & Delete Minor in Mass Media and Communication - Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Wyandt)


Minutes of Graduate Council meeting on 09/23/2011

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 3: Course Changes, Additions, and Deletions - Approved (Hopkins/Rock) Includes no action on ENGR 571 & ENGS 520, which were postponed by Graduate Council
Chancellor's Notes