Council of Academic Administrators Minutes

Meeting Date: 05/15/2017
Meeting Time: 1:30 PM
Meeting Location: Lyceum 200


Name Present Absent
Adrian, Mr. John C.
Allen, Dr. David D.
Almutairy, Mr. Bjad
Ammeter, Dr. Anthony P.
Bell, Ms. Deborah H.
Botero, Ms. Cecilia E.
Burton, Mr. Velmer S.
Busby, Ms. Anna K.
Caffera, Mr. Paul J.
Cheng, Dr. Alexander H.
Cohen, Dr. Lee M.
Cole, Dr. Donald R.
Cowherd, Mr. Derek S.
Cyree, Dr. Kendall B.
Egiebor, Dr. Nosa O.
Forgette, Dr. Richard G.
Gates, Dr. Kathryn F.
Gladden, Dr. Joseph R.
Gregory, Dr. Rickey R.
Kellum, Dr. Karen K.
Markley, Dr. Derek L.
Martin, Ms. Jane
Noonan, Dr. Brice
Norton, Dr. H W.
Pegues, Dr. Charlotte F.
Rimoldi, Dr. John M.
Rock, Dr. David
Sullivan-Gonzalez, Dr. Douglass
Wenger, Mrs. Debora R.
West Strum, Dr. Donna S.
Wilder, Dr. Wallace M.
Wilkin, Dr. Noel E.
Wyandt, Dr. Christy M.

Other Attendance Information

Mark Loftin for Velmer Burton, Amy Wells Dolan for David Rock, Brandi Hephner Labanc

Additional Minutes Notes
1. Honey Ussery presented the Consensual Relationships Policy, there was discussion and CAA provided edits 2. Katie Busby presented the QEP process and the topic: critical thinking. There was engaged discussion and sharing of ideas for going forward. 3. Noel Wilkin presented the Career Life Connector Initiative 4. Dual Career Accommodation Statement of Practice was presented. The statement was endorsed by the CAA (motion 21: Wyandt/Cole) An amendment was made to the statement to include a sentence about staff. This was also approved (motion 21a: Sullivan-Gonzalez/Cohen) 5. Tenure and Promotion Policy Modification was presented and approved (motion 22: Allen/Cohen)



Minutes of Undergraduate Council meeting on 04/07/2017

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 1: Course Changes, Additions, Deletions-Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Allen) Motion 2: Change Program: B.A. in African American Studies-Approved (Cohen/Allen) Motion 3: Change Program: B.S. Ch.E. in Chemical Engineering and B.S.C.E. in Civil Engineering-Approved (Cheng/Bell) Motion 4: Change Minor: Minor-Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish-Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Ammeter) Motion 5: Change Minor: Minor-Teaching Eng to Speakers of Other Languages-Approved (Cohen/Ammeter) Motion 6: Change Minor-Minor-Digital Media Studies-Approved (Wyandt/Cohen) . Motion 7: Academic Requirement-College of Liberal Arts-BA Requirement for the Minor-Approved (Cohen/Wells-Dolan) . Motion 8: 30 hours minimum to graduate as SMBHC scholar-Approved (Norton/Wyandt)

Minutes of Undergraduate Council meeting on 05/05/2017

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 9: Course Changes, Additions, Deletions-Approved (Wyandt/Allen) Motion 10: Change Program: B.S.G.E. in Geological Engineering and B.S. in Geology-Approved (Cheng/Wyandt) Motion 11: Add Program: B.S. in Economics-Approved (Cohen/Wyandt) Motion 12: Other Requests-B.S. in Histotechnology-Approved (Allen/Cohen) Motion 13 and 13a: Other Requests-CLEP Exam Additions to be in effective May 30, 2017-Approved (Ammeter/Cohen; Sullivan-Gonzalez/Wyandt) Motion 14: Other Requests-Change of TESL to TESOL-Approved (Sullivan-Gonzalez/Cohen)


Minutes of Graduate Council meeting on 04/21/2017

Council of Academic Administrators Notes:
Motion 15: Course Changes, Additions, Deletions-Approved (Wyandt/Allen) Motion 16: Change Program: M.A. in Modern Languages-Approved (Wyandt/Wilder) Motion 17: Change Program: M.M. in Music-Approved (Wyandt/Allen) Motion 18: Change Program: Juris Doctor-approved (Allen/Wyandt) Motion 19: Add Program: M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications-Approved (Norton/Sullivan-Gonzalez) Motion 20: Academic Requirement: Graduate Minor Policy-Approved (Wyandt/Allen)

No School Assigned

No Department Assigned

Add Academic Requirement(s)

IDRequest SummaryApproved DeniedTabled
638017678 Graduate Minor Policy

Add Other Request(s)

IDRequest SummaryApproved DeniedTabled
638017570 30 hours minimum to graduate as SMBHC scholar
Chancellor's Notes