Graduate Council Minutes

Meeting Date: 12/07/2015
Meeting Time: 2:00 PM
Meeting Location: Lyceum 110


Name Present Absent
Barker, Dr. Deborah E.
Bourgeois, Mrs. Robin W.
Canty, Dr. Ann L.
Cao, Dr. Lei
Case, Dr. David W.
Clark, Dr. Alice M.
Dolan, Dr. Mark K.
Foster, Dr. Ellen J.
Gaston, Dr. Gary R.
Grayzel, Dr. Susan
Gregory, Dr. Rickey R.
Hoffheimer, Dr. Michael H.
Ingham, Dr. Rosemary O.
Keena, Ms. Linda D.
Kiss, Dr. John Z.
Lerner, Dr. Marc H.
Lombardo, Dr. Thomas W.
Lumpp, Dr. James A.
McCoy, Ms. Yelda
Nichols, Dr. Dave L.
Owens, Dr. Scott G.
Repka, Dr. Michael A.
Rholes, Ms. Julia M.
Rimoldi, Dr. John M.
Roux, Dr. Jeffrey A.
Sheppardson, Dr. Laura J.
Tipton, Mrs. Jocelyn T.
Van Ness, Dr. Robert A.
Walden, Mrs. Margaret F.
Wang, Dr. Jianqiang
Watson, Dr. Judson D.

Other Attendance Information

Additional Minutes Notes
The Graduate Council approved the addition of these courses at our meeting on 11/20 pending receipt of enhanced syllabi. We received better syllabi, which are attached to the course requests, and are now formally approving the request to add these courses.



Add Course(s)

IDRequest SummaryApproved DeniedTabled
638016004 Bisc 507 - Cell Biology of Cancer


No Department Assigned

Add Course(s)

IDRequest SummaryApproved DeniedTabled
638016131 Law 584 - Bar Exam Skills
638016132 Law 670 - Accounting
638016136 Law 671 - Analytical Methods
638016137 Law 672 - Capital Structure and Valuation
638016139 Law 710 - International Legal Research
638016162 Law 711 - Research for Legal Scholarship
Chancellor's Notes