Graduate Council Minutes

Meeting Date: 03/20/2020
Meeting Time: 10:00 AM
Meeting Location: ZOOM video conference


Name Present Absent
Atkins, Mr. Joseph B.
Bass, Dr. Martha A.
Best, Ms. Allyson M.
Botero, Ms. Cecilia E.
Bourgeois, Mrs. Robin W.
Davis, Dr. Walter D.
Doerksen, Dr. Robert J.
Dolan, Dr. Mark K.
Easson, Dr. Gregory L.
Gilliland, Ms. Kristy L.
Gladden, Dr. Joseph R.
Green, Dr. Christopher R.
Gregory, Dr. Rickey R.
Holmes, Dr. Erin R.
Hussey, Dr. Charles L.
Jackson, Dr. Colin R.
Johnson, Dr. Willa E.
Kluck, Dr. Annette S.
Lerner, Dr. Marc H.
Lusk, Ms. Glenna
McWhite, Dr. Sally L.
Milinovich, Dr. Micah B.
Nichols, Dr. Dave L.
Paney, Dr. Andrew S.
Parrish, Ms. Chloe
Perryman, Dr. Mandy L.
Reed, Dr. Peter P.
Rimoldi, Dr. John M.
Rosenthal, Dr. Meagen M.
Snyder, Dr. Gregory J.
Soares, Dr. Denise A.
Surbeck, Dr. Cristiane J.
Van Ness, Dr. Robert A.
Walden, Mrs. Margaret F.
Wang, Dr. Jianqiang

Other Attendance Information

The following guests attended the meeting: Prof. Benjamin Cooper, Associate Dean of Law Prof. Kris Harrell, Associate Dean of Pharmacy Mr. Chris Reichley, Director of Application Development & Integration, Office of Information Technology

Additional Minutes Notes
The following motion was approved unanimously by the Graduate Council: "Not to change, at the Graduate School level, the grade symbols that were established at the start of the semester for each graduate course." Note that the information document entitled "Options_for_Pass_Fail_03172020.docx" or its contents were not considered directly for any other motion (but for convenience "Approve" is checked for that item, referring to the motion that was approved, above.

No School Assigned

No Department Assigned

Add Other Request(s)

IDRequest SummaryApproved DeniedTabled
638022001 Proposal on Grading for Spring 2020
Chancellor's Notes