Listing generated on 05/11/2024 at 18:03:30.

Keydate: 2005-01-01
Policy Name: Chalking on Campus
Policy Code: DSA.SU.300.004
Status: Approved and Activated
Administrative Division: VC for Student Affairs
Responsible Office: Ole Miss Student Union Department
Effective Date: 08/20/2021
Last Changed by: Baker, T Bradley on 07/07/2023
Policy Narrative: PDF File

Policy Summary/Purpose:
The University of Mississippi recognizes that chalking of sidewalks is a way
to announce programs, promote events, exchange opinions, share messages, and
otherwise express ideas. This policy is designed to permit sidewalk chalking
while also advancing important university interests, including but not
limited to ensuring campus safety, safeguarding entrances and exits to and
from university facilities, protecting university property and facilities,
and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of campus. This policy applies to all
university students, staff, faculty, affiliates, and visitors.